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Showing posts from July, 2020

End O.F.F

This is the last time I will write to you O.F.F. And can I just say, it's been emotional. It's not good bye, but the change in circumstances means I'll be 'starting over'. Although generally, my boys have taken the lockdown experience in their stride, to me it has become increasingly obvious that my two social butterflies are missing seeing, interacting and engaging with others outside the home. They are so excited about returning to school full time, whenever that may be. As with all parenting decisions, we all have our own opinions on what is best for our children when it comes to returning to school. And for many of us there has never been a choice. Those required to continue their work have had to rely on covid childcare. As we fast approach the school summer holidays, my eldest son will only catch the tail end of term time, and so will return to school for just the final two days of this academic year. Before then, joining his brother and friends for


Well would you adam and eve it, I've sold my house! Again! So right here right now, I'm just going to say how I have never won the lottery and how amazing it would be to win (just in case anything I write on here comes true) I've done some pretty intense house hunting this week and have now decided upon my dream home. So I've made an offer. And now I'm just waiting. It's been two days. I'm still waiting. I feel like the estate agents are now screening my calls, because I feel the need to phone them on the hour every hour asking for any news. The waiting is excruciating. Every time the phones rings or beeps, I'm like a coiled spring. And every time its my mum asking if they've rung yet. No mum. They've not rung yet. Probably because they can't get through as you are on the phone to me asking if they've rung yet. Again. And the more I wait, the more I cannot cope with the idea of living anywhere but there. I love it. So bright and